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What's Happening

Creating disciples of Christ who grow in faith, service, character and knowledge.


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Considering St. Isidore School?

We would love to meet you and get the chance to introduce you to the St. Isidore School community!

WE BELIEVE THAT...... Each person is a unique and sacred individual worthy of respect and dignity. Our school community is enriched by the students, families, and staff that make St. Isidore School their educational and faith home. Each of us are called by God to become personally and actively involved in the St. Isidore School community. Each of us are entrusted with a job to do -- one that has been given to no one else. Whoever and wherever we are, each of us has an opportunity to help shape the St. Isidore School community.

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Baptisms in 2018 at
St. Isidore's parish


Divine mercy chaplets prayed last school year


St. Isidore's students are at or above the grade level benchmark.